A Travellerspoint blog

Achy and stressed

The movers are coming tomorrow morning to pick up the large stuff and heaviest boxes. Hopefully, it will go smoothly and quickly. I am hoping to have time to go out to lunch with a friend, if it takes longer than I expect, that won't happen. :-(

In the evening, I will be driving to Atlanta, to pick up my youngest son, Andrew, who is flying in from MT. He will be helping me move the rest of the boxes, etc. into my storage unit and on Sun. will drop me off at the airport here in Greenville and head back to Billings in my SUV. I'll be getting a company car, so rather than sell it, I offered it to him.

I'll be so happy when this is all over and done with.

Posted by NancyA 23:03 Archived in USA Tagged preparation

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