The National Aquarium - Baltimores Inner Harbor
A wet attraction for a rainy day!
8/15/10 80 °F
I have been lucky that my daughter happens to be in Baltimore at the same time I am. We had planned to use the water taxi and go to Fort McHenry and then to The National Aquarium There was a light rain however, so we decided to go to the aquarium first in the hopes that the rain would stop and then we could visit the fort. Sadly, it was still raining when we left the aquarium, so we just took the water taxi back to my hotel.
We bought tickets for the dolphin show, and that was one of the first things we viewed.
To be honest, I am glad this show was cheap, I think it was $3.00 extra, that is pretty much what it was worth and I would not have been happy if it had added ten bucks or so onto the price of the the ticket.
Here are some other things we saw there.
All in all, I have to say, I was not particularly impressed by this aquarium. The Newport Aquarium in Covington KY (Across the river from Cincinnati) is much better in my opinion. I was especially disappointed with the jellyfish collection. It just wasn't as impressive as I had hoped. We both felt like we were being herded through, the flow of people was just not good, many of the corridors were narrow and we often felt like we had to keep moving even when we would have liked to spend more time in one area or another.
Posted by NancyA 21:49 Archived in USA Tagged aquarium baltimore